
Client: «Tran­shel­veti­ca» Swiss mag­a­zine for trav­el cul­ture Job: Illus­tra­tions on Swiss his­to­ry for the Book Zeitreise” (time travel) 

What does Picas­so have in com­mon with the bank­rupt­cy of a Swiss air­line, which world star lived in Bern and why did Charle­magne build a monastery on the farest tip of Switzer­land? These and many more ques­tions are answered in 101 enter­tain­ing episodes on Swiss his­to­ry. Prac­ti­cal trav­el tips for each episode invite you to trav­el to and expe­ri­ence all places of his­tor­i­cal impor­tance in Switzer­land, thus mak­ing Swiss his­to­ry tan­gi­ble for the read­er. A suc­cess­ful his­to­ry book and trav­el guide in one.

Year: 2021 / Lan­guage: Ger­man / Extent: 320 Pages / Bond: Hard­cov­er / Weight: 1100g / Size: 215×165×25mm / ISBN: 9 78 3907 3450 16

Book 01  ACHTUNG! GmbH Bern
Book 11  ACHTUNG! GmbH Bern
Book 03  ACHTUNG! GmbH Bern
Book 04  ACHTUNG! GmbH Bern
Book 05  ACHTUNG! GmbH Bern
Book 08  ACHTUNG! GmbH Bern
Book 09  ACHTUNG! GmbH Bern
Book 10  ACHTUNG! GmbH Bern